I have been tossing ideas around in my head the last couple of weeks about what to write about next and just never felt a prompting until this morning. I want to be honest about something I am currently struggling with and am seeing that I am going to have to take time and work through.
It is becoming more and more obvious that Eli is different. While I am okay with that part and am hopeful, prayerful, and at peace about his progress, it is the reaction of others that is shredding this heart of mine. He is non-verbal at this point but that doesn't mean he can't communicate. He shares his excitement and loves to hear his own voice in ways that others do not find socially acceptable. I get it. I know it can be annoying. But.....the rudeness, lack of tolerance, and downright meanness of others is overwhelming. I had a sweet mama who has walked a hard path before me share with me that parenting a child who is different has been a life lesson in tolerance and grace. Wow! That hit me in the heart.
Tolerance and grace. How often do I fail in extending either of these? Fairly frequently I am certain. Let this be an eye opener to me for my first reaction when I see or hear something that is not pleasing to my eyes to be tolerance and grace. I want to add empathy to the the equation as well. Each person is fighting a battle we know nothing about and if we show these things to them we have no idea how it could bless them.
Show tolerance, grace, and empathy today as you go about your daily activities and let us encourage one another.