Thursday, July 12, 2012

October in pics

 We went to Fayetteville for another Hogs game! Fun times!!
 It was Christina's first Razorback experience!
 Tailgated at Bomber games
 Will had tubes placed in ears, tonsils and adenoids out.....NOT a fun time

 Somehow the before showed up below the after....the difference easily seen :)

 We finally got to celebrate our 10th Anniversary at the Capital Hotel courtesy of my prior boss who has taken such great care of us!!
 Dinner at Ashley's was taken care of as well....we felt SO pampered!!

 LOVE the county fair!

 Will's new best friend.....Faith's brother, Luke!

 Will got to play with a cow at preschool- which he LOVED

 The mommy to all my kiddos best friends....Heather!
 The women's auxiliary had a welcoming lunch for the new medical teams families
 Everyone has gone above and beyond to make us feel welcome!

 Our favorite teacher Mrs King!!
 Lexi and Brook
 It was "Bomber Friday" the kids dress up in their Bomber gear every Friday during football season- you know their mama LOVES that!!!
 Lexi's class at the fair

September in pics

 The Webbs, Dickinsons, Bryants, and us went to the Hog game in LR and had a recruiting dinner for the hospital at Chenal.
 Got to see my favorites!!
 Lexi's (at the time) new best friend....still are! :)
 We were destined to be friends from the start! :)
 We were honoring our country at the game as it was around the anniversary of September 11th.
 Saw some LR friends too!

 We were introduced and got to speak at a Rotary meeting with the other new physicians in town.
 Getting ready to perform in the parade~ Lala and her new BFF Savanah- they made friends so quickly which has been a tremendous blessing
 Lexi and Faith again
 Friends dancing!

 He is better with a scapel.......
Happy birthday Russ!! Love you~

August 2011- in pics

 Silver Dollar City
 Showing off their muscles! :)
 Meeting our sweet friends in Fayetteville
 We decided to add a fireplace to our house so while unpacking dealt with remodeling .....
 Silver dollar city
 Robyn, Lane, and Anna came to visit~ YEA!!

 First day of preschool at First Baptist Church
 Will decided he was a BOMBER and LOVED them!
 The Robnetts came to visit!!
 Lexi got an eye infection...the DAY BEFORE school started :(
First day of first grade  Mrs. King was a TRUE BLESSING from God as Lexi's teacher!!
 Lexi at Bomber scrimage game
 Another blessing from God- Melissa and her kiddos
 Lexi and Trey
 We already have friends!!! Answered prayers!

 My favorite room in our house hands down....Russ and my bedroom
 We BOTH made the sign at Knox Orthopaedics
 The McConnells come to visit!

 Got family pics hung up the stairway to the playroom- another favorite
 More FRIENDS!!! God has given us more than our wildest dreams could have imagined!! The kids with Tyler and Reagan
Russ' pic for the hospital and for ad campaign- SO PROUD of him!!