Sunday, July 9, 2023

Where to start?

 We had been confined to room 720 for going on three days now. I was so tired. I was so weary emotionally. I just wanted some coffee. I just wanted to step out for a moment and take a deep breath. I sent an update to our faithful prayer warriors that all was well. We were just doing some more waiting as it was July 4th. I mentioned how badly I wanted, read this and tell me God doesn't care about the details.....

It wasn't five minutes later and this angel in disguise as a volunteer opened the door to Eli's room and told me to "go take a break!" I started giving all sorts of instructions and disclaimers that I would be back in less than 10 minutes. She would have none of it. She just repeated for me to "go." What a gift that was. In the middle of the mundane of a Tuesday holiday this stranger continued to follow through on her commitment as a volunteer and that simple act of obedience reminded me that God cares about the small things. He cares about Eli and He cares about ME. 

It brought this verse to mind. I know it is probably not its original intent but it WAS good news of peace and a reminder that my God reigns to me. 

Isaiah 52:7~ How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns. 

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