Your Christmas started out on Wednesday with a big winter storm. Your daddy and I left a little late headed to Rison to see Mimma and Snow and it took a usual 1 hour trip 5 hours! You were such a little trooper- you did not make peep the entire time. You ate whenever and wherever and we could not have asked for more.
When we got there the whole family was coming over as well. Abigail, Anna, Brady, and Layne had never met you so it was a lot of fun to introduce you to them. Abigail and Anna are the only two old enough to know the difference! They thought you were great.
Thursday we had Christmas with the Rauls side of the family. You wore an outfit your Aunt Robyn got you. It was so cute it had Santa's helper on it! Everyone commented on how good you were. You were so content. After Aunt Nancy and Jessie left we had Christmas with our family. You got some neat stuff! We are very appreciative of everything- thanks!
Friday we went to Nannie's for lunch and again had a wonderful time. We took so many picutures of you with everyone. You were the centerpiece of everything! After luch we went to Texarkana to stay with your Aunt Tiffy, Uncle Scotty, Tyler, and Tori. Nana and Pawpaw came to stay as well. They are so crazy about you. I do not think you stayed in your bed for more than 5 minutes at a time without someone picking you up. They really spoiled you! We had Christmas with them that night and of course you got more great goodies.
Christmas day started early with us opening gifts with Tyler and Tori. Your daddy has so much fun with Tyler. They went bird hunting, rode his motorcyle, and played basketball. Your mommy on the other hand got bit by a dog! Yes, that is right a dog. I was out walking trying to lose all this extra stuff you left behind and was attacked! I about had a heartattack! A nice man that looked just like santa took me back to your aunts. It was not a bad bite but just scared me to death. We had to call the police and report it and it was just a big mess. During this time your Uncle Scotty had to go to the ER due to gallbladder problems. Needless to say, your first Christmas day was very exciting. We drove home to Glenwood that night and thankfully had an uneventful time the rest of the holiday! You loved being at Nanna and Pawpaw's. They spoil you rotten. We can't wait to go back!
When we got there the whole family was coming over as well. Abigail, Anna, Brady, and Layne had never met you so it was a lot of fun to introduce you to them. Abigail and Anna are the only two old enough to know the difference! They thought you were great.
Thursday we had Christmas with the Rauls side of the family. You wore an outfit your Aunt Robyn got you. It was so cute it had Santa's helper on it! Everyone commented on how good you were. You were so content. After Aunt Nancy and Jessie left we had Christmas with our family. You got some neat stuff! We are very appreciative of everything- thanks!
Friday we went to Nannie's for lunch and again had a wonderful time. We took so many picutures of you with everyone. You were the centerpiece of everything! After luch we went to Texarkana to stay with your Aunt Tiffy, Uncle Scotty, Tyler, and Tori. Nana and Pawpaw came to stay as well. They are so crazy about you. I do not think you stayed in your bed for more than 5 minutes at a time without someone picking you up. They really spoiled you! We had Christmas with them that night and of course you got more great goodies.
Christmas day started early with us opening gifts with Tyler and Tori. Your daddy has so much fun with Tyler. They went bird hunting, rode his motorcyle, and played basketball. Your mommy on the other hand got bit by a dog! Yes, that is right a dog. I was out walking trying to lose all this extra stuff you left behind and was attacked! I about had a heartattack! A nice man that looked just like santa took me back to your aunts. It was not a bad bite but just scared me to death. We had to call the police and report it and it was just a big mess. During this time your Uncle Scotty had to go to the ER due to gallbladder problems. Needless to say, your first Christmas day was very exciting. We drove home to Glenwood that night and thankfully had an uneventful time the rest of the holiday! You loved being at Nanna and Pawpaw's. They spoil you rotten. We can't wait to go back!
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