I must say this has been the most amazing year in my whole life. You have truly changed my entire life....my mentality, emotions, thoughts, priorities, and most of all heart. You are a blessing from God that is so overwhelming. You are the most precious things to your daddy and me in this world. We are so proud to call you ours!
This morning you spent with Andi and played your little heart out while I gave a baby shower for our good friends Jason and Laney. They are having a little girl named Merritt whom I am sure will be one of your good friends! Then we took off to Glenwood to Nana and Papa's house for your party. As you will soon learn this is a tough time of year to have a birthday party because everyone is so busy with Christmas plans and parties. This is to explain why your Aunt Tiffy, Uncle Scotty, Tyler, Tori, and other friends could not make it. Tiffy, Tyler, and Tori did drive all the way from Texarkana to give you your present and spend a little time with you, which you loved. It was a great party and you were shown so much love. Thanks to Mima, Snow, Aunt Rhonda, Uncle Scott, Abigail, and Brady for making the long drive to Glenwood. We really appreciate it! As the pictures show you had a great time!
Happy 1st Birthday Sugar!! You are our Sunshine~ Love, Mommy
This morning you spent with Andi and played your little heart out while I gave a baby shower for our good friends Jason and Laney. They are having a little girl named Merritt whom I am sure will be one of your good friends! Then we took off to Glenwood to Nana and Papa's house for your party. As you will soon learn this is a tough time of year to have a birthday party because everyone is so busy with Christmas plans and parties. This is to explain why your Aunt Tiffy, Uncle Scotty, Tyler, Tori, and other friends could not make it. Tiffy, Tyler, and Tori did drive all the way from Texarkana to give you your present and spend a little time with you, which you loved. It was a great party and you were shown so much love. Thanks to Mima, Snow, Aunt Rhonda, Uncle Scott, Abigail, and Brady for making the long drive to Glenwood. We really appreciate it! As the pictures show you had a great time!
Happy 1st Birthday Sugar!! You are our Sunshine~ Love, Mommy
Today we went to see Dr. Becton for your one year check up. She said you were doing great and could not believe how much you are talking. You are not walking independently yet but said that most children are either motor or verbal and you definately take after your mommy and are a verbal child! You can now fill in the blanks to "You are my sunshine" for sunshine, happy, and gray. You can sing part of the B-I-B-L-E. You say bibib bibib. You love saying e-i-e-i-o. You repeat anything I say and are shaking your head yes and no appropriately. You ask for "milk", momma, can still say A, B, C, and D and then now L, M, N, sometimes O, and P. You will repeat letter when we play with them in the bathtub. You have said yellow and blue. Lexi, it is really too numerous to count. You say TyTy, Tiffy, Aditi, Papa, Nana, Mimi, Momma, Daddy, and are working on all you other family!
Weight: 23lbs 6 oz
Height: 29 inches
Clothes: 12-18 months
Size 4 diapers
Almost completely off the bottle, eating all table food, your favorites are grilled cheese, sausage, Nana's breakfast, deli meats (isn't that grose!), and cherrios.
You are our sunshine.
You got 4 shots today. MMR, Hep B, Flu vaccine, and chicken pox vaccine. Sorry. You handled it like a champ though. I am so proud of you.
Weight: 23lbs 6 oz
Height: 29 inches
Clothes: 12-18 months
Size 4 diapers
Almost completely off the bottle, eating all table food, your favorites are grilled cheese, sausage, Nana's breakfast, deli meats (isn't that grose!), and cherrios.
You are our sunshine.
You got 4 shots today. MMR, Hep B, Flu vaccine, and chicken pox vaccine. Sorry. You handled it like a champ though. I am so proud of you.
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