You are nine months old today. We celebrated by taking you to the park. You loved swinging and going down the slide. The slide was a little much for mommy but you thought it was great. We walked down there and you are so hot natured you sweated the whole walk. It is so funny because I am so cold natured. It is amazing you came from me! You have such a mind and body of your own. You are now talking ALL the time. You can say so many words that you just repeat after us and do not use all the time. It is so precious when I am singing the alphabet to you I can say "LMNO" and I pause and you say "P." I had a fit the first time you did this and think you are the smartest thing in the whole wide world! You will say "cheese" when I bring out the camera and say it to you...already quite the poser for pictures. You love to say "bye bye" and say it a lot~ You will say duck in the bath and repeat a lot of the letters when I say them.
You crawl all over the house, fast and put everything you find in your mouth which has made me clean the house a lot more :) I am so worried you will put a piece of dirt or something in your mouth! You eat absolutely everything but refried bean are probably one of your most favorite. Isn't that funny!!! La Hacienda's are your favorite! They know you by name at the Little Rock restaurant.
You are in size 12 months clothes and size 3 diapers. Thanks for the best nine months ever and I am looking forward to all the best times of my life with you. Mommy
You crawl all over the house, fast and put everything you find in your mouth which has made me clean the house a lot more :) I am so worried you will put a piece of dirt or something in your mouth! You eat absolutely everything but refried bean are probably one of your most favorite. Isn't that funny!!! La Hacienda's are your favorite! They know you by name at the Little Rock restaurant.
You are in size 12 months clothes and size 3 diapers. Thanks for the best nine months ever and I am looking forward to all the best times of my life with you. Mommy
Yesterday we went and saw Dr. Becton for your 9 month check-up (yes, it was a little late). She thought you were a big girl too! You weigh 20 lbs 15 oz. and are 28 inches tall. Your daddy says you will be taller than me by the time you are in 6th grade! This is probably true because even now when I carry you around you look bigger than me.
She said you were right on target and that your verbal skills are very advanced which makes mommy so happy and proud. She said the downside to this was that we needed to watch out for you to start throwing temper tantrums because you can't say what you want to and it is frustrating to you. She said we just have to walk away and not pay attention to you and this will be hard. We saw Aunt Tiffy for a minute after your appointment since she was in town and it was so good to see her. She went out of her way a lot to make sure she saw you and we appreciate that very much!
Dr. Becton also said that you needed to continue with the bottles for two more months and then we can wean you and that you need to start drinking from a sippy cup more which may be a problem. You do not like them and would much rather just drink from a straw (all the time). You were so happy and sweet to everyone in the office and you were a big hit! Thanks for being so precious and the love of our life!
She said you were right on target and that your verbal skills are very advanced which makes mommy so happy and proud. She said the downside to this was that we needed to watch out for you to start throwing temper tantrums because you can't say what you want to and it is frustrating to you. She said we just have to walk away and not pay attention to you and this will be hard. We saw Aunt Tiffy for a minute after your appointment since she was in town and it was so good to see her. She went out of her way a lot to make sure she saw you and we appreciate that very much!
Dr. Becton also said that you needed to continue with the bottles for two more months and then we can wean you and that you need to start drinking from a sippy cup more which may be a problem. You do not like them and would much rather just drink from a straw (all the time). You were so happy and sweet to everyone in the office and you were a big hit! Thanks for being so precious and the love of our life!
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