This past month has been a fun filled, fast paced time. We have gone to the beach for a week, to Lake Degray for several days, and daddy has started his new job. You have been growing like a weed as well.
Weight: 17.3 lbs
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6-12 or 9-12 months
Food: anything and everything! You really love the fruit and veggie puffs. You have been working very hard at learning to feed yourself and are doing a great job of it. You still eat around 4 - 8oz. bottles. On our last visit to Dr. Becton she said she wanted you to eat at least 30 oz. of formula a day, which is a lot! You eat 1 jar of baby food for breakfast and dinner with snack in between. You are working on drinking from a sippy cup and have not quite mastered it yet. The nubby sippy cups are the best for you.
Toys: You like your excersaucer still, walker, toy keys, the remote, straws, discovery ball, and blocks
You are still working on crawling, not there yet! You can sit up like a champ, roll anywhere you want to go, wave hi and say "hi", say dada and many other indiscernable things. You are constantly talking, singing, and wanting to play indian~ mommy patting your mouth while you are yelling. You think it is hilarious. You give sugars to everyone and now pat me and squeeze me around my neck when I ask to give mommy love. (It is so awesome I can hardly stand it!) You reach for the people you want to go to and turn your head to people you don't. ( I have no idea where you get that attitude :))While you drink your bottles you still like to cuddle with me and I love it but while you are eating you raise your arm above your head and wave it the entire time and wave hi. Nana says you are praising the Lord!! It is precious.
Many new things this month and I can imagine it will be more and more each month to come. I love you more than life itself and you bring me immeasurable joy each day.
This past month has been a fun filled, fast paced time. We have gone to the beach for a week, to Lake Degray for several days, and daddy has started his new job. You have been growing like a weed as well.
Weight: 17.3 lbs
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6-12 or 9-12 months
Food: anything and everything! You really love the fruit and veggie puffs. You have been working very hard at learning to feed yourself and are doing a great job of it. You still eat around 4 - 8oz. bottles. On our last visit to Dr. Becton she said she wanted you to eat at least 30 oz. of formula a day, which is a lot! You eat 1 jar of baby food for breakfast and dinner with snack in between. You are working on drinking from a sippy cup and have not quite mastered it yet. The nubby sippy cups are the best for you.
Toys: You like your excersaucer still, walker, toy keys, the remote, straws, discovery ball, and blocks
You are still working on crawling, not there yet! You can sit up like a champ, roll anywhere you want to go, wave hi and say "hi", say dada and many other indiscernable things. You are constantly talking, singing, and wanting to play indian~ mommy patting your mouth while you are yelling. You think it is hilarious. You give sugars to everyone and now pat me and squeeze me around my neck when I ask to give mommy love. (It is so awesome I can hardly stand it!) You reach for the people you want to go to and turn your head to people you don't. ( I have no idea where you get that attitude :))While you drink your bottles you still like to cuddle with me and I love it but while you are eating you raise your arm above your head and wave it the entire time and wave hi. Nana says you are praising the Lord!! It is precious.
Many new things this month and I can imagine it will be more and more each month to come. I love you more than life itself and you bring me immeasurable joy each day.
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